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Parent and Carer Information

The Grass Roots Management Team have worked closely together, since opening, to develop our current business into a successful, reputable and home from home setting. In this time we have developed a strong staff team with comprehensive training and development practices. We have good links with professionals, multi-agency and extensive safeguarding knowledge. We have built an excellent reputation within the community and this is evident in our growing waiting lists. The Management Team plans to continue what we have already achieved at Grass Roots Private Day Nursery by extending some of the initiatives that we already have in place. ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

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Our Vision


We have built an excellent reputation within the community since we have opened our nurseries. Not exclusively with the parents attending our setting but local businesses, schools, training providers, Calderdale Early Years Services and families within the area. 

Parent Learning Workshops

We have run parent leaning workshops such as Managing Behaviour and Transition to School. These are all delivered to parents in an informal and fun way, without pressure or judgement. These have proven to be very successful and have really impacted on our families. We would like to extend these to include topics such as how to manage your budget, healthy eating and other topics relevant to our community as well as the more child centred ones. 

Empowering Parents not Belittling

As with children, adults grow and change their behaviour through support and guidance. The management team has extensive experience of dealing with child protection issues and finds that parents will be more willing to change their behaviours when shown respect and empathy. 

Parent and Child Groups

Having the space to provide groups and sessions would enable us to extend our current service to reach more of our community especially those who would benefit from intervention before they are in receipt of funding. These sessions would enable us to ensure children and families have any support needed in place before their nursery journey begins.  This would be invaluable for parents who may be suffering from isolation, lacking sufficient parenting skills and knowledge and will help small children with their holistic development.



We use a nursery management app called Famly, through which we can share learning and development, daily diaries, news and updates, events and billing, amongst other features. During the ongoing pandemic, the practice of sharing photos, videos and information on our app with our families who were locked down or isolating has been invaluable. Our Deputy Manager Caitlin works alongside Famly and tests many of the new functions of the app and reports back to them with feedback from our setting. 

Links with the Church and Community Groups

Grass Roots Day Nursery already have a lovely relationship with the church community. Families from the setting attend many of these events including families from different faiths. These events are important for the children to feel a sense of community. 

Our Fees

We aspire to keeping our fee’s at an affordable rate for the community. The nursery won’t be filled with expensive equipment but continue to have natural resources that support the children’s learning and our home from home ethos. Finances will be managed to ensure sustainability of the business to provide long term childcare for the community.

Children who need Additional Support

Grass Roots currently has a number of children who need interventions to support their learning and development and we have a wealth of knowledge meeting individual children's needs. Jess a SEND Champion for Calderdale and has gained a NCFE CACHE Level 3 in supporting children and young people's speech, language, and communication. We work closely with, Educational Psychologists, Portage, Early Years Teachers, Speech and Language Therapists among many other healthcare professionals to manage children’s special education needs. 


Supporting Children's Behaviour

At Grass Roots Day Nursery we have a strong focus on successfully supporting children’s behaviour within setting and at home. There is an abundance of research to show how the lack of supporting a child to regulate their own behaviour in the early years has a profound effect on their education and the possibility of crime in adulthood. We have successfully developed systems to manage this in our current settings my meeting individual children's needs and we work closely with parents to support them do so at home.

Staff Development

Our current staff are supported to develop themselves professionally. Developing the staff as a team to support each other is essential for the children to be in an empowering environment where everyone cares for each other.

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